All literature and sources used to create the texts on this website.

A. Printed sources
Leu, Schweizerisches Lexikon, vol. XVII (Zurich 1762), p. 481 ff.
Holzhalb, Supplementum zu Leu's Schweizerisches Lexikon, vol. V (Zurich 1791), pp. 591 ff.
M. Lutz, Baslerisches Bürger-Buch. Basel 1819.
Joh. Tonjola, Basilea sepulta. Basileae 1661.
H. Weiß, Basilea sepulta. Basel 1830.
H. Weiß, Verzeichnis der 1730-1819 in Basel getrauten Marhen. Basel 1819.
Thomas und Felix Platters Leben, edited by H. Boos. Leipzig 1878.
Basler Chroniken, Vol. I-VIII. Leipzig 1872-1945.
G. Schönberg, Finanzverhältnisse der Stadt Basel im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert. Tübingen 1879.
P. Buxtorf, Graves and tomb inscriptions in the front cloister of St. Leonhard. Basler Jahrbuch 1944.
W. R. Stähelin, Wappenbuch der Stadt Basel. Basel 1918.
The painted glass panes in the Schützenhaus at Basel (property of the Feuerschützengesellschaft).
Contribution to the shooting history of Basel by Th. Gloor, former society archivist. Basel 1902.
Funeral sermons (Falkeisen collection at the Basel University Library).
Number books and address books.
Ragion books and action schemes.
Regimental books.
Cantonal gazetteer.
B. Handwritten sources
I. State archives
Baptism books, marriage books and death books of the Basel parishes.
Council minutes.
Council minutes.
Council books.
Opening books.
Production books and judgment books of the city court.
Coat of arms book of Konrad Schnitt.
Coat of arms book of the guild "zum Schlüssel".
War rolls of the Italian campaigns.
Books of offices.
Basel genealogical book.
Historical land register.
Ragion books from 1720 on.
Office books of the Canton of Basel-Stadt.
ll. Civil Registry Office
Birth register, marriage register and death register.
Family register.
III. university library
Card catalog.
University register.
Personal records of Benedict Meyer-Kraus.
Handwritten biographies of Benedict Meyer-Kraus. Genealogical notes by fiscal Joh. Rud. Burckhardt.
lV. Historical Museum
Heraldic books of the guilds of vintners, blacksmiths and gardeners.
V. Private property
Family tree, made in several copies by J. J. Schneider-Gyßler.
Notes of Mr. Ed. Stehelin-Imhof.
Notes of Prof. Dr. Felix Stähelin-Schwarz.
C. Family members
We owe the information about contemporaries primarily to the reports of our family members.