The family archive
The archives of the Stähelin Family Fund and the Stehelin/Stähelin/Staehelin family have existed since 1913.

The family archive
It is deposited in the State Archives of Basel (Private Archives No. 182) and contains a large number of documents, files, letters, diaries, travelogues, photographs, etc., concerning members of our family.
Unfortunately, it happens time and again that such sources, which can be very important for family history, are destroyed during changes of residence, inheritances, estate dissolutions and similar occasions. We therefore kindly ask you to contact the family historian in such cases (cf. list of the board of the Stähelin'schen Familienfonds) or directly the State Archives Basel-Stadt, P.O. Box, CH-4001 Basel, so that what is worth keeping can be sorted out.
The holdings of the Family Archives may be consulted by persons not belonging to the family only with the authorization of a member of the Family Fund Commission.